If you happened to catch the article about Bush, the one where he admits that he cries daily, then you probably thing he's a total girly-man. I know I do. Only women cry, not men. What's wrong with him, too much estrogen? What a jerk. I hate Bush and every one of his tears. They're probably laced with venom. He should be crying for the millions of soldiers that he killed and the innocent terrorists he tortured. He should cry that a good man like Saddam Hussein was put to eath like a common criminal. He should be crying that the Middle East is now a very violent place thanks to him, unlike before we got there. He should be crying for depleting our d-zone. Where are future generations going to walk?
Off-subject, I was watching a television show yesterday and one of the characters made a comment to the effect that Republicans are right. So what does that make us, wrong? I was so offended and angered that I shut the set off and had my cable service disconnected for good. I will never stand for that kind of talk ever again! Before this incident, however, I caught an interview with Fred Thompson, who apparently will announe his candidacy for president in the next few days. What a jerk! I hate Fred Thompson with a passion. I actually used to like him in movies and stuff until I learned of his political leanings, then I immediately hated him. I urge you all to hate him as well. This man does not think as we do, and that makes him dangerous.
I wrote a song the other day all about how much I hate Bush and Fred Thompson. The lyrics go like this: "I hate Bush so bad.. Fred Thompson's a fad.. no one will vote for him in November of 2008 because he's very conservative and he would be the worst thing for this country and because he's for the Iraq war and because he's a lousy actor and I've always hated him and Obaka will kick his butt in November of 2008.." It's still a work in progress, but you get the idea.
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
Liberal Johnny, or should I say Libeeral Jim!?!?! I finally found you again after you closed your last site you putz!
Don't think you can run away from me or THE TRUTH! It's funny that you discuss the president crying like a girl when it seems that your response to me calling you out on global warming last month seemed to be much the same. Why don't you and Leo DiCapprio spoon and commiserate for a while, you fag! Too bad you can't get married in Iowa anymore, too. I know Tony was looking forward to it.
Bring it on tough guy.
LJ, thanks for your insight. I hope that this phil guy cannot dissuade you from writing about what is really happening with this administration and its trampling of our rights and the Constitution.
Seems like Phil has a history with you. If he's chasing you down, you should look into a restraining order. Fuck him (and I know he would want me because all Republicans like red heads); keep up the good work.
Conservative Phil, Bush does cry like a little girl. I know because Liberal Johnny says so. I know because the media says so. I know because Bush says so. Your Texan hero weeps like a penitent death-row inmate who's refused his last meal.
Liberal Johnny, I love your site. I'm glad to see that someone is finally taking a stand on today's politics.
Hey, dirtbag, what did you think of General Petraeus' testimony?
Bring it, Bitch!
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