Friday, October 12, 2007

Emanuel A. Oppenheimer

Emanuel A. Oppenheimer


Anonymous said...

I agree!

Joshua Tanner said...

I've resorted to communicating with you through posts. I got Dexter. yes, i love it. yes, my girl loves it too. and yes, you are the best uncle that has ever lived and will ever live as long as we both shall live, amen.

Gabe "Prescription Drugs" Kurcab said...

What a far-fetched post! You've obviously been barking up the liberal tree for so long that you can't find the dog-house of logic, much less dig up the wishbone of truth. This post is so full of vile, dispicable hate against conservatives that I shudder to even have my name on this comment. Oh, what a sick, sad, little world.