What's all this fuss about the way that Miss Teen USA contestant answered that geography question? I saw the tape of it on Youtube, and I thought the way she answered was intelligent and well-spoken. Did I miss something? It must be an inside joke. Anyway, on to more pressing news: due to the high volume of hits I've been receiving on this site, I would kindly ask everyone if they limit their visit to this site to 49 minutes a day. This will ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to glance over my latest musings. I've also received many complaints that I do not post often enough, so I will henceforth do better in that regard. Many questioned why I did not post the second Attorney general Gonzales quit, but the answer to that should be obvious.
I was reading a news story yesterday about a PA high school that allowed a group of Christian students to gather by the flag pole and pray after school. When I read that, I was so mad I could spit! No, really, people, I saw red! What ever happened to seperation of church and state? Why did we kick God out of school if we're going to allow this funny business? Last year we had that story about a school that wanted to put on an X-mas play, and now this! Those people had the audacity to try and recreate a manger scene in front of the student body. How offensive is that?! If nothing else, it would have ruined the Hanukkah and Kwanzaa plays that the school was presenting at roughly the same time period. I've always contended that Christians are nothing more than right-wing fascists who can't stand Jews or African-Americans, and the fact that they want to invade the public school system with their religious ideolgy further proves my point. A couple of years ago, I decided to boycott X-mas all together. It was obvious to me that it was not commercial enough, and I couldn't see Christians doing their part to commercialize it further. Because many stores and television commercials no longer say, "Merry X-mas," rather, "Happy holidays," I decided to do that too. Only, when I say, "Happy holidays," I mean Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, not X-mas.
I was turned off the idea of Christianity by Bush and other Republicans. If they're Christians, then I don't want to be one. Besides, it's not so popular anymore, so why would I waste my time? I'm currently looking into a more fashionable religion, like Islam. They're cool, and they don't believe in war and violence like other people we know. I feel sorry for Muslims in this country. Everyone looks at them like they're potential terrorists. Our government uses illegal wiretaps to spy on them, and then arrests them just for planning an attack. In other words, they didn't even commit a crime yet, and they're arrested! What brand of justice is that? So what if they're planning an attack? That doesn't mean they're going to go through with it. Arrest them after the attack, not before. Duh!
No self-respecting liberal should ever call himself a Christian. The Bible contradicts a lot of the beliefs that we hold dear, like our right to massacre fetuses, et. al. If you're a true liberal, you can not prescribe to the teachings in that ancient book. So don't. It's that simple. I hated seeing Bill and Hillary walking out of that church during Regan's funeral. They don't belong there, and they know it. It must have been horrible for them. My dream is that one day all the churches in America will close (except for those belonging to politically correct or in-religions). I don't want my children to grow up in a nation where morals are dictated by a 2000 year old novel. We're liberals, dammit! We don't want or need moral restraint!
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
1 comment:
I couldn't be more against anything you have posted. There is more to being liberal than you obviously know, because we regulate ourselves to understanding, not anger. Tolerance is not just a word but an act. And we should be tolerant of islam and allow those followers to pray in school and in public. They should know that we do not hate them and that we love them. Step off of your high horse again and breathe in reality.
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