I have a new hero and his name is Lane Hudson. Lane runs a blog called http://www.newsfortheleft.blogspot.com/ It's exactly what it sounds like: news for lefties like us. Lane is an important man with C-SPAN, yet he finds time in his busy schedule to help me know what to think. In every one of his posts he says something bad about George Bush and the Republicans. I love it! Finally, someone else with the courage to voice their disapproval of this evil regime. Lane's blog is important, maybe even moreso than mine, so please take a look at it. Lane and I think exactly alike; you may even say we are affiliated. I 'm sure he agrees with my thoughts as well.
Another juicy piece of nugget I found on the internet this week is the site http://www.thetip.org/
This is a great site; they hate Bush, I mean they can't stand him! If you go to www.thetip.org/impeach.php, there is an online Bush impeachment petition that you can sign. I lookat at it briefly, but there must have been half a trillion names or something. Everyone hates Bush! See, I knew it. If you scroll down the petition about 1/5 of the way, you'll find a very surprising name, indeed. Believe it or not, it says, "George Bush, Washington, D.C." Can you believe it? Bush even wants himself impeached! Maybe we should go ahead and do him the favor. Also, the petition lists many reasons why he should be impeached, and all the lies he and Cheney have told us. Please read it as it is good primary authority.
I've decided to finally start writing my first manuscript. My working title is, "I'm so left I'm going in circles." It will be about how much I hate Bush and how much I would love it if we had an African-American president like Senator Obaka. For one thing we'd be safer as a nation. Everyone knows the only reason terrorists target us for attacks is that they hate Bush. With all the many years experience in politics Obaka has, he will most likey sit down with the leaders of Al Qaida and negotiate a resolution. He will undoubtedly apologize for our country being the way it is, and promise that we'll change. I don't know about you, but sometimes I just want to violently rip apart the flag in shame and disgust. We're the bullies of the world, plain and simple. I can't wait until we have a president that will knock us down a peg or two! Maybe then countries like France will respect us.
The last thing I want to mention is that I noticed that Jenna Bush is engaged to a white man. A white man, in this day and age! How overtly racist can this family be! We already know, thanks to Spike Lee, et. al., that Bush's slow reaction to Katrina relief was racially-motivated. Had it been Beverly Hills that was decimated, Bush would have gotten all of those people out of there in 14 seconds! Instead, millions died because Bush and his deep-seeded predjudice. What's next, will his other daughter marry another white man? What's going on? Thank God (just an expression) TV and movies don't portray relationships in this racist manner. That old Jim Crow mentality is gone now. I'm getting very sick of racism, and I'm sure that if Obaka wins, he'll end it once and for all.
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
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