I read this morning that Michael Vick is concidering pleading guilty and taking a plea deal. This makes me so mad because we all know he is not guilty. He's obviously only thinking about taking this plea because of mounting pressure from white Neo-Cons. He was only targeted in the first place because he's a successful young African-American, and apparently that's a no-no in today's culture. America sucks! I wish I live in France when I hear things like this in the news. The whole case stinks. Besides about a dozen or so cooperating eyewitnesses, the feds don't have a case. Mike Vick is innocent and unfortunately the most recent victim of racism, just like O.J. I hate when the government targets African-Americans like this. I heard Danny Glover on Larry King say that Bush hates the Falcons, and that this whole thing was drummed up so that they would lose their star player. This would not have happened had the election not been stolen from Gore in 2000.
Speaking of Danny Glover, his ex- co star bigot jerk, Mel Gibson is in the news again. It seems he got a traffic ticket yesterday. Will he ever learn? You know, I used to really like Mel Gibson, but then one day everyone in Hollywood hated him, so I hated him, too. They say he hates Jews and blames them for killing Jesus. What nerve! Did they kill Shakespeare, too? How can you target an ethnic group and blame them for a slaying that took place two thousand years ago? Where's the proof? Is there a single shred of written, documented evidence? I heard back then that the Academy voters refused to watch Passion of the Christ or concider it for Oscar nominations because it was so violent and gorey. Good for them! If Mel wants to get back in the good graces of the Academy, he better go back to when he made less offensive and violent movies like Lethal Weapon or Braveheart. What was he thinking?
But I digress, this post was about Mike Vick. I propose that if he does make a deal and plead guilty that we still concider him innocent until proven guilty. This is America, after all. I heard the spokesman for the NAACP say that we should all reserve judgement on Vick and let the criminal justice system run its course. At this point, I'm not willing to believe that he had anything to do with the dogfighting charges, even if he admits it. The only trouble I'm having is that PETA is a very liberal organization and I desperately want to please them, yet they're against Vick. I think it's possible that Bush is somehow controlling their actions, purposely turning them against an innocent African-American. This is a travesty, people, and we should all feel shame. People in Mexico are hearing this news and just shaking their heads. We're sorry, Mexico. Please don't stop letting your people migrate here. We'll do better in the future, especially when Bush is gone!
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
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Keep up the good work.
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