I hate the Iraq War. I was never for it, especially because it was based on lies and it was all about oil. Saddam Huisein wasn't a bad man, he never hurt no one. But Bush thinks he has the power to take over any country he feels like, and when he saw that Saddam had oil, he wanted it. So badly that he risked Americans spilling their blood in the desert. When our brave soldiers finally come back, I'm going to yell at them and call them killers because they knowingly fought an unjust war. If Clinton started this war I'd be OK with it, because it wouldn't be predicated on lies. Clinton never lied, he didn't feel the need to because he had nothing to hide. Bush is a facist warmonger who is intent on taking over the world. Who's the terrorist now?
A lot of my friends are African-American. They all hate Bush, just ask them. Some even have unflattering Bush bumper-stickers on their cars. They can't stand him! Some racist cops in Shreveport pulled my friend Levon over just because he was African-American and because they were Republicans and got mad about the bumper-sticker. They gave Levon a big ticket and told him not to get marked absent when he goes to night school. Can you believe that, in this day and age? I can't wait until we have a liberal president who won't allow racist cops to be on the force. Whatever happened to mandatory sensitivity training?
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
I wasn't sure about your previous posts, but I'll admit that you initiate questions that the Bush administration must address if he is to have any chance at re-election. Racism has long been a stain on our states and was virtually non-existant under the Clinton years. It's too bad that the Muslims are having to experience the same thing, because of an oil problem for blood. Che Guvaro for president!
If Che was still alive, I'd say we change the constitution so he could be president! Fortunately, Bush can't run again, that's why I'm so excited. You're right about the Muslims. It's terrible how they're treated, and all because of oil. The GOP will definitely lose the white house. The only star they have now is Schwartzanneger, but he can't run. I actually heard that he wants to ratify the constitution so he can run for president! What a jerk!
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