American hero Michael Moore's new documentary about the health care crisis in this country, "Sicko," has got Republicans quaking in their boots, and rightfully so. Mr. Moore is finally putting to light how wrong it is to charge someone for health care when it is their inalienable right to get it for free. What's next, are they going to charge us to breathe? Air tax? The GOP would never go for universal health care because their doctor and pharmaceutical buddies would lose tons of money. Meanwhile, grandma's dying!
Republicans most likely want to charge us crazy fees for perscriptions because they WANT the poorest among us not to have them so that we die. This is how they get rid of the weakest among us. Then they get their corporate buddies at Wal-Mart to raise the prices of over-the-counter medicine for the same reason. They probably discuss these evil little plans during their secret "Skull and Bones" meetings. I'm so SICK of Bush!
The movie, "Sicko" may be one of the best movies ever made. Michael Moore outdoes himself as the enemy of all things right. I doubt President Bush has seen it, because he's scared. I saw the movie four times already and am planning on taking a random cousin to it on Saturday. If you haven't seen it- go! You'll be angered by what you discover, but it's all true. Cuba has the best health care in the world and they don't charge for health care. Why can't we follow their example? Why? Because of Bush.
Johnny Liberal. Thanks for listening.
Well, Michael Moore is skilled at drawing attention to an issue. But I suspect his views of the Cuban healthcare system are a bit rosy. I recently posted on the fact that Cuba is unlikely to allow the movie Sicko to be seen in that country, because it is considered subversive. Nonetheless, US health care is broken and I suspect our next president will address that issue.
You said it, Blue Dog. To Bush, Cuba's just a fun place to toture innocent terrorists!
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