There's been some new talk in Washington about drilling for oil in Alaska. The democrats oppose any legislation of this type because even though it would reduce our dependency on foreign oil, it would displace thousands of caribou. I wholeheartedly agree with the Dems (as always). So what if we are paying three dollars a gallon for gas as long as the caribou can roam around free as the wind? I think it's a fair sacrafice. After all, they were here trillions of years before us, back when Earth was part of the sun. If we let Halliburton set up shop in Alaska, where would all the wildlife go? It's not like there's tons of room up there. Herds of innocent caribou would most likely be pushed into the frigid sea and drown, or at the very least scratch their forearms on jagged icebergs. Can we allow the GOP to slaughter countless animals just so Bush and would-be-assassin Cheney can line their pockets? Not in my lifetime!
Speaking of environmental issues, when are the Republicans going to take global warming seriously? This is a real threat, people, and the GOP is ignoring it. I heard Al Gore speaking last week, and he said if we don't do something now, it will be on the average of 10 degrees hotter in 100 years. That means that in ten billion years, we'll be part of the sun again! No one could survive those temperatures. Mankind would be arradicated! That's probably what Bush wants (population control- I've mentioned it before). Anyway, I had to go out this morning to buy some organic dove eggs, and it was freezing out. It's been unseasonably cool up here. Can you imagine having to wear a coat and gloves in August? What's going on?
I have to mention one quick fact, off-subject. This NFL off-season has seen a record number of player arrests. Many are now being suspended or otherwise punished by the commisioner. One thing that struck me as off-pudding, however, is the lack of racial diversity among the players. Unbelievably, every single NFL player who was arrested and subsequently disciplined by the NFL was African-American! How racist is that?! What is this, Mississippi Burning? Not one of these guys were white, not one! When is the NFL going to start punishing white players when they eventually get arrested? I'm so sick of this overt racism, that I'm thinking of boycotting the league all together. I wish I was African-American so I could be even more upset!
This world is going to Hell (figuratively- not likes it's a real place) in a handbasket. The only thing that keeps me waking up each morning is the thought that one day I'll turn on CNN (not FOX News) and hear that they impeached Bush. OOOOH! What a glorious day that'll be!
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
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