I was watching TV yesterday, and accidentally flipped to Fox News, where they were talking about Ted Nugent. Apparently, at one of his recent shows, he said horrible and unflattering things about Obaka and Hillary Clinton. He also used curse words and hand signals to emphasize how much he didn't like them. What a jerk! He should be locked up for the things he said. Why doesn't a law enforcement agency do something? I'm so mad that I'm angry! Show me one single document where it says that this man can go around saying whatever he feels like. You can't, because it doesn't exist. What a loser!
He's also big into hunting, which is wrong and cruel. Why does he have to target defenseless animals? Hunting is never OK, not even if you're starving to death. If you're starving, and have no other recourse, I suggest you first go to Olive Garden and have a big meal. After all, when you're there, you're family. Hunting wasn't even OK when we were cave men, so why is it now? Since we know for an absolute and definitive fact that we descended from apes, I suggest that Ted Nugent skipped a step in the evolutionary cycle and is therefore a neandrethal. Who gave him permission to have weapons to hunt with anyway? Show me one single document where it says that this man has the right to possess firearms and compound bows. You can't, because it doesn't exist. I hate Ted Nugent and all his politics. Rockers are supposed to be liberals. What's wrong with him?
I also got to catch Bill O'Reily for a bit. What a jerk! He's got nothing good to say about liberals ever. I also think that he's a racist because he refused to agree with Rev. Al Sharpton on a serious issue. Only a racist would openly disagree with an African-American, and for the whole world to see! I can't wait until Obaka or Hillary win the race and shut down Fox News once and for all. Then Maybe Bush will have to watch CNN and know what's really going on in the world. CNN hates Bush, I mean really hates him. I love that they always show him in the worst possible light. Thank the Big Bang for channels like CNN, who tell me what to think so I don't have to do it on my own. Who wants to do all that work?
Anyway, I think I found a way to get back at Ted Nugent. I've decided to have a protest outside of his Waco, Texas home. I'm going to do it in the dense woods, so that I'll ruin his hunting trip. I'll even dress in a realistic dear costume to prove my point that hunting is wrong. that'll show him!
Liberal Johnny. Thanks for listening.
You don't have conservatives enough. Do something to demonstrate your hate for them in an more obvious manner, such as misspelling their name or something. That will show them.
hey javie, it's your prodigal nephew. i lost my phone so i don't have your number anymore, so that's why i haven't called. but my number is the same, so you can call me. anyways, I always knew you were a pinko commie bastard.
check out www.sunkensailboats.blogspot.com, my new personal blog.
also, take a peek at www.306blog.blogspot.com, a blog where my entire english class posts essays. I've only posted one, and it's called "life, liberty, and lifeguard stands." my contributor name is josh, so that's how you can find it. anyways, i hope you're doing alright with the job and all. tell the wifey I said hi. peace.
Please keep your personal information to yourself...
A couple points, I am in no way a genious but what the document that says he can say those things is the CONSTITUTION I think, possible something about free speach. The property you would be entering is private property and at that point you would be trespassing.. IN A DEER COSTUME DURING HUNTING SEASON NO LESS. We already have pretty solid property protection laws but dressing up in a deer costume?? I believe it would be you who would be tought a lesson.lol I would love to see it on you tube though so be sure to bring a video camera..LMAO.
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